Glamour Showcase – Rheika Aliapoh (redux)

We last took a look at Rheika’s glams in January of 2021, long before I had settled on her jobs. She still had White Mage but not Ninja. I would have settled that later in the year, as 2021 was the year I started participating in FFXIV Write.

As per the previous rules, we won’t cover any glamours that were previously shown in the above post, so let’s get started


Bard would be what I ended up completing the Endwalker MSQ as, but despite that, I’ve never particularly felt all that tied to the Bard jobsets. I’m not really a fan of the big instrument bows, and while the bard job sets are pretty great, none of them felt “right” for Rheika

The two below glams are what I’ve come up with over the course of Endwalker for her. The first is the Neo-Ishgardian aiming set, dyed purple, paired with the level 84 Bismuth bow. That bow is just a recolor of the Scaevan bow, but the coloring really works will with the Neo-Ishgardian set. Secondly we have a set composed primarily of the level 90 crafted set called the Classical set, but with the handwraps from Paglth’an and the Oval Spectacles, just because she looks cute in them.


We’ve got a good mixture of sets here. My most recent creation is called the “Last Assassin” set, and rather than talk about the individual pieces here, I’ll just suggest you click the link to go to the Eorzea Collection page for that one. I consider this her “main” ninja outfit that she would most use in game.

The next most recent creation is a simple set comprised of the Exarchic Scouting set, a crafted set from Shadowbringers, with the first stage relic from that same expansion. Before creating the Last Assassin set, this was her “main” ninja glam.

Lastly, we have a set I call the “Maelstrom Rogue” a set that combines a rakish red set appropriate for a Maelstrom officer, complete with some blades so big you could mistake them for full swords.


Gunbreaker was a job that I also took a bit to nail down an appropriate look for Rheika. For the longest time I stimply used the Neo-Ishgardian Fending set dyed purple, but that was always intended as a placeholder. Finally I came up with the following two sets. Her typical one is below, making use of the Makai Gunbreaker set dyed white paired with the Amazing Manderville Gunblude. Secondly is another Maelstrom themed set published on Eorzea Collection as the “Maelstrom Grand Admiral

Red Mage

For Rheika’s final canon job, we have a couple of new glams to show off. Her “Lady in Red” glam, making use of the Copied Factory casting chest, was shown off in the last post in 2021 and is still one of her more commonly used Red Mage items, but we’ve also come up with another couple of ideas, both of which make use of the Miqo’te skirt.

First up is the Virtu set from the Trophy Crystal vendor, a higher-resolution and dyable version of the Red Mage level 70 job gear, perhaps their most iconic look. In the below image, I have it paired with Wild Rose, the weapon Tataru gives you during the level 89 MSQ.

Secondly, we have one of my favorite glams for Rheika out of everything. It’s a simple and classy looking glam that just absolutely fits her personality. I’ve used this a lot during Endwalker, and I hope you like it. The full outfit is up on EC as “Scion of the Red Dawn

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