Building Thom – Level 8

Level 8 has come, and something awesome has happened. Remember this post. in which I talked about replacing Thom’s subclass with what was essentially a revised version that more fit the theme and was more consistent with current 5e design standards? I actually got approval to make the switch. Thom is now a That Which…

Splitting the Jobs – Dawntrail

Hey look, a Final Fantasy XIV post! Something I haven’t written about since Write 2022! At the time of this post, the final FFXIV FanFestival before Dawntrail has concluded less than 24 hours ago, and we finally know both of the new jobs being added in the Expansion: Viper and Pictomancer. Which means we now…

Pathfinder homebrew character concepts

Thanks to some holiday sales and a recommendation from my Pathfinder GM, I’ve recently found some Pathfinder homebrew creations that I felt are pretty amazing, and I’d like to go over them as well as some basic character concepts that I think I’d enjoy playing. First up on the list is Rainbow of Elements, an…

A Thom Which is Beyond

For what might be my final post of 2023, I thought we might take a look at how Thom would be different if we had built him using the That Which is Beyond patron, a Warlock subclass built by KibblesTasty as an improvement on the Great Old One Patron. Great Old One isn’t horribly bad,…

Building our Level 20 Tech Knight Fighter

As established here, we’ve decided on a level 20 Fighter using KibblesTasty’s Tech Knight subclass. But now comes the fun part: building him. This could be a long process, given that the Fighter has a decent amount of decision points between fighting style and bonus feats, the additional decision points of the subclass itself, and…